May 25, 2021
Apply for Corona aid III for a safe reopening!
Revolutionary air purifier youvee® up to 100% of costs refundable

Karlsruhe, 20th May 2021 – Due to falling incidences, the corona restrictions are being eased across Germany. Particularly affected sectors such as retail, gastronomy, hotel, travel agency, event or fitness studios are allowed to reopen. With the bridging aid III of the federal government, the purchase of the youvee® air purifier can still be applied for in May and June. With cost reimbursements of up to 100%, the purchase of the devices is subsidized as an additional hygiene measure.

"The highest risk of infection is indoors and comes from aerosols that are potentially infected with viruses," explains Jann Kirchberger, managing director of youvee GmbH. “Our youvee® air purifier is technically innovative, highly effective and very powerful with a disinfection capacity of 850 m3 of room air per hour. “With an elimination rate of over 99.99% of the corona viruses in the air through UV-C radiation, we can significantly reduce the risk of infection indoors with youvee®. Many companies that have experienced a decline in sales due to the pandemic, such as fitness studios, hotels, restaurants, physiotherapy practices or retailers, are now given the financial opportunity to create additional protection for customers, guests and employees with an air purifier in their premises,” he adds.
Der Luftreiniger youvee® wird zur Luftdesinfektion und Schutz vor Corona-Infektionen in Innenräumen eingesetzt. Das Gerät wurde von Karlsruher Ingenieuren entwickelt, ist „Made in Germany“, CE-zertifiziert, nachhaltig und wird in Karlsruhe lokal produziert.
In the Corona Bridging Aids III of the Federal Government, mobile air filter systems such as the youvee® air purifier are eligible for a maximum of 100% funding as an investment hygiene measure within the framework of the operational fixed costs. The eligible fixed costs are graded as follows:
Corona aid III reimburses a share of
bis zu 100 % der förderfähigen Fixkosten bei Umsatzeinbruch > 70 %
up to 60% of the eligible fixed costs in the event of a drop in sales ≥ 50% and ≤ 70%
bis zu 40 % der förderfähigen Fixkosten bei Umsatzeinbruch ≥ 30 % und < 50 %
Die Überbrückungshilfe III greift für Unternehmen, die zwischen November 2020 und Juni 2021 einen Corona-bedingten Umsatzrückgang von mindestens 30 Prozent im Vergleich zum Referenzmonat im Jahr 2019 hatten.
All further information on Corona bridging aid can be found at:
Corona Aid Companies - Bridging Aid
The operating principle of youvee®
Viruses like the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen are released with smallest liquid particles so called aerosols when speaking, coughing, or sneezing. Heat sources such as computers, projectors and, above all, humans create an air flow that rises due to the lower density of warm air. The viruses contained in aerosols are on the ceiling within a few seconds, are distributed throughout the room and fall back down on cooler external components. The air in the room is therefore constantly mixed and there is a risk of Covid-19 infection from corona aerosols, even if the social distancing of 1.5 m is observed.
Effective air flow
youvee® makes use of the natural air movement in the interior: the exhaled air rises to the ceiling area, whence it is extracted, cleaned of corona and flu viruses and - unlike other air purifiers – anew distributed on the floor. The resulting sterile air lake boosts the buoyancy of the exhaled air and minimizes the amount of virus-contaminated air inhaled by other people and the risk of infection with Covid-19. Technical safety: The UVC lamps are automatically switched off in case of the ventilation cylinder is removed. Therefore, direct UVC irradiation exposure of people can be technically excluded.

Figure 1 How youvee® works
Effective UVC radiation
youvee® is based on a proven and highly effective disinfection method: Ultraviolet UVC radiation. It breaks down the DNA/RNA of viruses within fractions of a second, rendering them harmless. With youvee®, powerful UVC fluorescent tubes and a highly efficient UVC radiation reflector disinfect the air by eliminating 99.99% of corona viruses.
Integrierter CO2-Sensor
Since carbon dioxide can lead to a lack of concentration, loss of performance, tiredness, and headaches, and because people are not consciously aware of an excessively high CO₂ concentration in the air, youvee® has a high-quality, integrated CO₂ sensor. The user receives a visual signal on the device or a message via the youvee® app to ventilate the room with fresh air. The regulation of the volume flow can be switched to a CO₂-controlled mode. Since the virus load in the room increases with an increased number of people, youvee® automatically responds to such changes. youvee® reacts accordingly with a higher air purification rate but saves fan power if fewer people are in the room. Therefore, maximum protection against indoor air contaminated with viruses is perfectly combined with minimization of operating costs.
Innovative control via app
The youvee® app allows you to control the operation of the youvee® air purifier via WLAN or Bluetooth connection. For this purpose, the youvee® provides a WLAN hotspot or can be integrated into an existing WLAN for central control of multiple devices. The app also allows to meet the individual Internet of Things requirements of our customers.
Sin mantenimiento
youvee® airpurfiers do not use filters and therefore need no maintenance. Consequently, there are no maintenance costs and no potential risk of infection when replacing filters.
youvee® has a 100% recycling rate and zero waste thanks to its lifespan design and consequent avoidance of plastic materials and wear parts.
Made in Germany – Local R&D and manufacturing
youvee® was developed and designed in Karlsruhe. The air purifiers are manufactured locally in Karlsruhe, Germany.
About youvee® GmbH
youvee® wurde von Martin Selig und Dr.-Ing. Max Mertins gegründet. Die Ingenieure mit Forschungs- und Industrieerfahrung aus den Bereichen Lüftungstechnik, Architektur, Optik und Serienfertigung haben youvee® im Rahmen einer Initiative entwickelt. Anstoß gaben Forderungen aus Wissenschaft und Politik nach dezentralen Luftreinigungssystemen mit neuen, unkritischen Strömungseffekten und angemessener Desinfektionsleistung. youvee® berücksichtigt genau diese Forderungen und Ansätze.
Elena Stief
Mobil: 0173 7841175