Max-Planck-Institut Studie bestätigt >99,99% Wirksamkeit des youvee® Luftreinigers gegen Corona Viren
Das Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie hat die Wirksamkeit des Luftreinigers youvee® gegen Corona-Viren im Rahmen einer unabhängigen Studie ermittelt. Die durchgeführten Messungen zur UV-C Bestrahlungsleistung des youvee® zeigen auf, dass mehr als 99,99% der aerosolgebundenen Corona Viren in der behandelten Luft des Luftreinigers youvee® inaktiviert werden.
youvee® stattet dm-Logistikzentren, dm-Märkte und den Unternehmenssitz in Karlsruhe im Zuge eines Pilotprojektes mit Luftreinigern aus
Im Zuge eines Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojektes wurden youvee® Luftreiniger in allen Objekt-Arten von dm erprobt. Dazu gehören die Logistikzentren von dm in Waghäusel, Karlsruhe, Weilerswist und Wustermark sowie einzelne dm-Märkte und der Unternehmenssitz in Karlsruhe, das dialogicum.
Sicher durchatmen im neuen Schuljahr!
Schulunterricht ohne direkten Kontakt zwischen Schülern und Lehrern wie im vergangenen Schuljahr stellt alle Beteiligten vor große Herausforderungen. Schülerinnen und Schüler, Lehrpersonal und Eltern sind in ihrem Alltag stark eingeschränkt.
Revolutionary air purifier youvee® up to 100% of costs refundable
Due to falling incidences, the corona restrictions are being eased across Germany. Particularly affected sectors such as retail, gastronomy, hotel, travel agency, event or fitness studios are allowed to reopen. With the bridging aid III of the federal government, the purchase of the youvee® air purifier can still be applied for in May and June. With cost reimbursements of up to 100%, the purchase of the devices is subsidized as an additional hygiene measure.
Virus-free thanks to UV-C rays
UV radiation is used to disinfect hospital and operating theatre equipment. What tinkerers in Karlsruhe are now trying is new: UV-C radiation to eliminate corona viruses. The idea was born in September 2020 - the first prototype was produced at the beginning of November. There are research projects on this at the University of Tübingen, and at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). But there is no series production at the university institutions. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
UVC-based air purifier youvee® eligible for up to 90% funding with bridging assistance III
The Bridging Assistance III program rule, published on Feb. 15, 2021, subsidizes the purchase of UVC-based youvee® air purifiers by up to 90%. The grant supports the purchase and use of youvee® primarily in the hospitality, sports facility and retail sectors, where effectiveness and high design standards are key to winning back employees and customers.
Virenfreie Luft dank UV Strahlung
UV-Strahlung wird zur Desinfektion von Klinik- und OP-Einrichtungen genutzt. Was Tüftler in Karlsruhe jetzt probieren, ist neu: UV-C-Strahlung zur Eliminierung von Corona-Viren. Im September 2020 entstand die Idee – Anfang November wurde der erste Prototyp produziert. Es gibt Forschungsprojekte dazu an der Uni Tübingen, und am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). Aber keine Serienfertigung an den universitären Einrichtungen.
UVC-based air purifier youvee® with innovative control – The youvee® app is now available in the Google Play Store
In addition to the highly effective air disinfection with UVC against coronaviruses of over 99.9% in the conducted air and the patented air flow behavior, the UVC-based air purifier youvee® also impresses with a user-friendly, smart control via the youvee® app. As of now, the youvee ® app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.
UV-C-based air purifier youvee® with integrated CO2 sensor eliminates viruses and monitors indoor air quality
The air purifier youvee based on UV-C radiation eliminates 99.9% of viruses (including SARS-CoV-2), bacteria and fungi in the conducted air and optionally has an integrated CO2 sensor. The CO2 concentration in the room air can be used to reliably determine how high the proportion of exhaled air is. The higher this value, the greater the probability that the air is contaminated with viruses and bacteria released by humans.
Christmas promotion: Air purifier youvee® now with integrated CO2 sensor - free of charge for orders placed before Christmas
The youvee® air purifier can now be ordered with a CO2 sensor as an additional option. The CO2 sensor is very useful in rooms without a mechanical ventilation system. These include most classrooms in schools, group rooms in daycare centers, or rooms with highly variable occupancy, such as in restaurants or in meeting rooms in offices and hotels.
Max-Planck-Institut Studie bestätigt >99,99% Wirksamkeit des youvee® Luftreinigers gegen Corona Viren
Das Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie hat die Wirksamkeit des Luftreinigers youvee® gegen Corona-Viren im Rahmen einer unabhängigen Studie ermittelt. Die durchgeführten Messungen zur UV-C Bestrahlungsleistung des youvee® zeigen auf, dass mehr als 99,99% der aerosolgebundenen Corona Viren in der behandelten Luft des Luftreinigers youvee® inaktiviert werden.
youvee® stattet dm-Logistikzentren, dm-Märkte und den Unternehmenssitz in Karlsruhe im Zuge eines Pilotprojektes mit Luftreinigern aus
Im Zuge eines Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojektes wurden youvee® Luftreiniger in allen Objekt-Arten von dm erprobt. Dazu gehören die Logistikzentren von dm in Waghäusel, Karlsruhe, Weilerswist und Wustermark sowie einzelne dm-Märkte und der Unternehmenssitz in Karlsruhe, das dialogicum.
Sicher durchatmen im neuen Schuljahr!
Schulunterricht ohne direkten Kontakt zwischen Schülern und Lehrern wie im vergangenen Schuljahr stellt alle Beteiligten vor große Herausforderungen. Schülerinnen und Schüler, Lehrpersonal und Eltern sind in ihrem Alltag stark eingeschränkt.
Revolutionary air purifier youvee® up to 100% of costs refundable
Due to falling incidences, the corona restrictions are being eased across Germany. Particularly affected sectors such as retail, gastronomy, hotel, travel agency, event or fitness studios are allowed to reopen. With the bridging aid III of the federal government, the purchase of the youvee® air purifier can still be applied for in May and June. With cost reimbursements of up to 100%, the purchase of the devices is subsidized as an additional hygiene measure.
Virus-free thanks to UV-C rays
UV radiation is used to disinfect hospital and operating theatre equipment. What tinkerers in Karlsruhe are now trying is new: UV-C radiation to eliminate corona viruses. The idea was born in September 2020 - the first prototype was produced at the beginning of November. There are research projects on this at the University of Tübingen, and at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). But there is no series production at the university institutions. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
UVC-based air purifier youvee® eligible for up to 90% funding with bridging assistance III
The Bridging Assistance III program rule, published on Feb. 15, 2021, subsidizes the purchase of UVC-based youvee® air purifiers by up to 90%. The grant supports the purchase and use of youvee® primarily in the hospitality, sports facility and retail sectors, where effectiveness and high design standards are key to winning back employees and customers.
Virenfreie Luft dank UV Strahlung
UV-Strahlung wird zur Desinfektion von Klinik- und OP-Einrichtungen genutzt. Was Tüftler in Karlsruhe jetzt probieren, ist neu: UV-C-Strahlung zur Eliminierung von Corona-Viren. Im September 2020 entstand die Idee – Anfang November wurde der erste Prototyp produziert. Es gibt Forschungsprojekte dazu an der Uni Tübingen, und am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). Aber keine Serienfertigung an den universitären Einrichtungen.
UVC-based air purifier youvee® with innovative control – The youvee® app is now available in the Google Play Store
In addition to the highly effective air disinfection with UVC against coronaviruses of over 99.9% in the conducted air and the patented air flow behavior, the UVC-based air purifier youvee® also impresses with a user-friendly, smart control via the youvee® app. As of now, the youvee ® app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.
UV-C-based air purifier youvee® with integrated CO2 sensor eliminates viruses and monitors indoor air quality
The air purifier youvee based on UV-C radiation eliminates 99.9% of viruses (including SARS-CoV-2), bacteria and fungi in the conducted air and optionally has an integrated CO2 sensor. The CO2 concentration in the room air can be used to reliably determine how high the proportion of exhaled air is. The higher this value, the greater the probability that the air is contaminated with viruses and bacteria released by humans.
Christmas promotion: Air purifier youvee® now with integrated CO2 sensor - free of charge for orders placed before Christmas
The youvee® air purifier can now be ordered with a CO2 sensor as an additional option. The CO2 sensor is very useful in rooms without a mechanical ventilation system. These include most classrooms in schools, group rooms in daycare centers, or rooms with highly variable occupancy, such as in restaurants or in meeting rooms in offices and hotels.
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